Sunday, January 11, 2015

Math Bar Model Video

A Room A-2 student browses books in the Silver Springs library.

Math Bar Model Addition and Subtraction Unit
The current math unit is really focused on helping students understand when to use addition or subtraction to solve real world problems.  One thing we discuss in class is really reading the questions carefully to understand what is being asked.  If you need more clarification on how a basic bar model works this video clip is pretty helpful.

NWEA Testing
I wrote you all an email early Saturday explaining that one of our NWEA testing days changed because of last week's snow day.  Our days for NWEA winter testing are now scheduled as follows.  Today, January 8th we will be taking the English Language Arts portion of the exam.  Thursday, January 15th we will be taking the Math portion of the exam.  Please make sure that your students get a good night’s rest this Wednesday night!

Family Bowling Night
The next Silver Springs Family Bowling Night is this Friday, January 16th from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM.  I will be attending and can't wait to check out Novi Bowl.  If you want to join me a pre-registration form went home with students last week.  The pre-registration form is due by Tuesday, January 13th.

Curriculum Overview
Literacy - In reading we are stopping to ask questions and think thoughtfully about the books we read.  When a question comes up in a non-fiction book we see if we can answer it by reading further in the text or if we need to reference another source for clarification.

Math - We are starting a new unit that reviews addition and subtraction.  Students will learn when to add and when to subtract in different real world situations.  We will also be using a bar model to understand addition and subtraction.

Writing - This week we will start two new writing projects.  We will be writing the words for a wordless picture book by Tomie DePaola titled Pancakes for Breakfast.  We will also begin a unit on opinion writing.

Science - This week we are studying the water cycle and the different states of mater that water can take: ice, water, and water vapor (steam).

Social Studies with Mrs. Heron - We have learned that communities have diversity in the food we eat, traditions, religions, and languages spoken.  We are also learning about why communities form governments; to keep people safe, form laws, help people solve problems, and provide services people need.

Word Study with Mrs. Sepich - This week students will be completing the writing sort for the new word sort words.  The sort will come home in the Monday Envelope next week.  Students will also be introduced to the 5 new vocabulary words that come from a Steven Kellogg book about Johnny Appleseed.  The words are: exaggerate, urged, recollect, tranquil, surrounding.

Leadership - Using Habit 3 - Put First Things First.

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