Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Welcome to February!

That's a lot of snow outside our classroom!
I hope you've been staying safe and warm.  I tried going out in the afternoon on Monday and found that the roads were still really rough.  I did see lots of kids out sledding however!  Here are some notes from me and Silver Springs:

Valentine's Day
Tomorrow I will send home a list of all the students in Room A-2.  In preparation for Valentine's Day I would like you to have your child prepare a valentine for every student in class.  Stores like CVS, Target, and Busch's sell very inexpensive valentines cards in sets specifically for school children.  You can use those cards or make something very simple.  If you have any questions please ask me.  We will exchange our Valentine Cards on the 13th of February.

Become a Love and Logic Parent: Classes Begin NEXT Week
The afternoon classes have been postponed to begin February 11th from 2:00-3:30 PM.  Silver Springs encourages all parents that have not attended a Love and Logic Parent Training to attend one of the four-session series being offered at Silver Springs Elementary.

Sharpen Your Saw at Bounce it Up: This Friday
Come Sharpen Your Saw at the Silver Springs Family Night at Bounce it Up this Friday, February 6th from 6:30-8:30 PM.  For $11 per child, you will enjoy two hours of unlimited bouncing, free coinless arcade video games, and two slices of pizza with a soft drink.  A portion of the fee will go to Silver Springs Elementary!  Registration forms and payment are due by Tuesday, February 3rd.  Bounce it Up is located at 30276 Plymouth Rd. in Livonia.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Box Tops and Labels for Education Contest
It's contest time! Help raise money for our school! We are holding a contest to see which classroom can send in the most Box Tops. The 3 classrooms with the most points will win a prize! Please send your box tops to school in a baggie or envelope with "Room A2 - Mr. Luxon" written on the outside. Teachers will place the baggies and envelopes in the collection bin outside of the main office at school. Box Tops must be turned in by February 13th to be counted.

Curriculum Overview
Literacy - In reading we are learning about and making inferences.  We are studying how a reader can infer something even when it is not directly stated in a text.  Ask your students about What Mary Jo Shared.

Math - The next two upcoming units will be on measurement, both metric measurement (meters centimeters, etc.) and standard or customary measurement (inches, feet, etc.)  I may send home less math homework for these units if I can't find work that is challenging enough.

Writing - Last week we began writing a book review as class.  This week students will have the opportunity to begin writing reviews on their own favorite books, movies, restaurants, and video games.

Science - Last week we began a new science unit on measurement that augments our math unit on measurement.  This week our focus will be on understanding how to measure the length, width, perimeter, and area of a rectangle.

Social Studies with Mrs. Heron - Last week we learned about the three branches of local government; mayor, city council, and court.  We also learned about the difference between a government action and a private action. 

Word Study with Mrs. Sepich - Students will be receiving new word sorts this week.  Old sorts will come home in the Monday (Wednesday) Envelope.   We will continue with our current vocabulary words for one more week.

Leadership - Setting new goals, look for a copy to come home with your student.

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