Monday, June 1, 2015

Class Field Trip is This Wednesday, June 3rd

Students make flowers for the upcoming volunteer appreciation breakfast.
Field Trip to Walled Lake Outdoor Education Center
The field trip to the Walled Lake Outdoor Education Center is this Wednesday, June 3rd.  On that Wednesday don't forget to send you child with a booster seat if they are under 8-years-old, this is Michigan Law.  All students need to bring a sack lunch and drink as well.  A full sheet of filed trip guidelines went home in the Monday envelope today.  If possible students are also being asked to bring an old sock for one of the experiments.  Most important however, is the booster seats and sack lunch.

School Field Day is This Thursday
Field day is coming!  Field day is Thursday, June 4th from 1:00-2:40.  We still need your help to make this a successful day for all of our students.  If you are able to help, please visit the sign up genius to sign up for a station.

Here are a few Field Day reminders from Ms. Phillips: Please send your student to school with appropriate clothes and shoes. Apply sunscreen at home.  Make sure to put your student’s name and teacher’s name on their water bottle

Home Reading Books in the Bright Orange Bag
Thanks for getting those bags back to me!

Curriculum Overview
Literacy - In both reading and writing we have been conducting research, taking notes, and writing a non-fiction report about plants.

Math - We took a geometry exam today on 2 dimensional shapes, 3 dimensional shapes, and patterns.  To end the year we will be working on creating graphs with our iPads.

Science - This week some classes will be taking our end of unit exam on plants and life cycles.  We will also check in on our experiment to see if different groups of plants can survive without water, air, or sunlight.

Social Studies with Mrs. Heron - This week students are wrapping up our last Social Studies unit by taking our test on How Communities Change.

Word Study with Mrs. Sepich - This week students will work on entering the final 5 vocabulary words into their journals.  These words came from the book “Crab Moon.”  Students will be given an end of the year assessment (the same that was given at the beginning) on spelling and word patterns.

Leadership - We are practicing songs for an end of school sing-a-long.

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